Wednesday, July 28, 2010

God of the Old Testament: Jesus or Allah

A debate I had with Samuel Green last night.

In the end, the Muslims were told to read all the prophets.

Given that in my presentation I quoted, in support of my claim that the Old Testament God is the same as the God of the Qur'an and that the description of God in the New Testament is totally different:

Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, 1 & 2 Samuel, Job, Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Psalms, Proverbs, Malachi & Joel.

I'm not sure what prophets I'm missing?

Having said that, I asked on 3 occasions for the bridge between the OT and the NT which must exist through the prophetic books for both to be true to be demonstrated to me. I had no demonstration given.

Perhaps it's our Christian brothers and sisters that should consider reading the Prophets?

I expect video to be available soon, thanks to our Christian hosts and God willing, but until then here is the audio.

Despite the clear issue I have with this repeated, but unsubstantiated claim, that we don't read the prophets, I would like to thank our Christian hosts for the excellence they demonstrated in preparing the event, their hospitality and for committing to assisting my wife and I with some of the costs we incurred in making the trek to the southern reaches of the globe.

Lets continue the discussion...